Sex Offenses
Different offenses fall into the sex crimes category, but every state has laws against prohibiting the various types of sex crimes, such as rape and sexual assault, and each state has its own time limit (or “statute of limitations”) in which victims of sex crimes may file a lawsuit against the alleged offender.

In New Mexico, it is illegal to drive with a breath or blood alcohol concentration of .08 or more if you're 21 or over, or .02 if you're under 21, or .04 if you drive a commercial vehicle. You can be convicted of DWI even if the breath or blood test is below the legal limit if it is proven that your ability to drive was impaired to the slightest degree by drugs or alcohol.

Juvenile Crimes
Crimes committed by minors vary, but we can help understand what course of action you can take depending on the severity.

Drug Offenses
Possession, use, sale or furnishing of any drug or intoxicating substance or drug paraphernalia, that is prohibited by law is a punishable offense. We can help explain your options.

Violent Crimes
Murder, non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault are all considered violent crimes. The Jones Witt Law Firm can provide its expertise for your defense.

Theft Crimes
Burglary, embezzlement, larceny, looting, robbery, shoplifting, library theft, and fraud are considered theft crimes. Penalties can range from minor to severe.

Personal Injury

Wrongful Death
Medical malpractice, death during a supervised activity, occupational hazards. Let us investigate the case.

Police Misconduct
No one is above the law, and those who abuse power can be held accountable. Know your rights.
Motor Vehicle Collisions
Motor Vehicle collisions account for many injuries and deaths each year. We can provide the necessary representation to make sure your insurance comes through.

Workplace Injury
A workplace injury is an injury or illness that occurs in relation to an employee's job. Compensation can be sought in some cases.

Legal Advice

Reaching an agreement can be difficult, but avoiding the courtroom can be beneficial. Arbitration is one of the many areas we practice in.